Welcome to PulsePoint Academy!
Our online courses will build your knowledge to effectively manage complex heart health conditions with confidence!
Dr Jennifer Coller is a Consultant cardiologist with extensive experience in management of heart health conditions and a passion for education, equity and rural health.
Choose your discipline for tailored learning opportunities
Atrial fibrillation can result in debilitating symptoms and avoidable stroke which can significantly reduce patients’ quality of life. Our course will equip you with the knowledge to deliver high-quality atrial fibrillation care.
Atrial fibrillation can result in debilitating symptoms and avoidable stroke which can significantly reduce patients’ quality of life. This course will equip you with the knowledge to deliver high-quality atrial fibrillation care.
This is a free sample of the full course that equips health professionals with the knowledge and strategies to recognise heart failure and help their patients better manage their condition.